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Saturday, December 11, 2010

Put On A Bloody "UNFOLLOW" button that works, Blogger/Blogspot!

Blogger! Put On An UNFOLLOW Button that WORKS!
Like many writer, I read blogs of other writers.

Then, the content may really wane, or disappear entirely. So, I decide to UNSUBSCRIBE.

Blogger won't let me! Or YOU!

You are stuck for life----reading forums about this, there are many others with

this same complaint.

BLOGGER: Make an easy Unsubscribe button on the DASHBOARD where it shows "Blogs I Follow,"

Please! Wordpress is starting to look good finally.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Blogger! Put On An UNFOLLOW Button that WORKS!

Like many writer, I read blogs of other writers.

Then, the content may really wane, or disappear entirely.  So, I decide to UNSUBSCRIBE.

Blogger won't let me!  Or YOU!

You are stuck for life----reading forums about this, there are many others with

this same complaint.

BLOGGER:  Make an easy Unsubscribe button on the DASHBOARD where it shows "Blogs I Follow,"

Please!  Wordpress is starting to look good finally.